Makeup artists sometimes are referred to as celebrities just because they are always out there. They move from state to state and event to event, beautifying people and making them look good. However, if as a makeup artist, you do not play your game right, your business will never bloom.
Below are some tips to help you make your business successful:
1. Be Social
You have to be a social person and have it all it takes to mix socialiazing with business because the beauty business often go hand in hand with some playful attitudes. So be a master in balancing the two because it keeps your clients looking for you often.
2. Have Good Creative Skills
Some are naturally endowed with good creativity and others learn it from experienced professionals. So even if you have it naturally, there is nothing wrong to attach yourself with the professionals as they would be happy to put you through and that gives you enough exposures than you ever think possible.
3. Be Available
Be ready to move around and plan your business well to avoid clashing with other appointments you have with your clients. Becoming a successful artist shouldn’t be a difficult thing if you plan it very well and know how to take every other activities away from it.
4. Perfect your skill
If you feel you need to upgrade your skill and technique, by all means do, no one wants to pay for a shoddy job and you can confidently stand before anyone because you know your stuff.
5. Develop a complimentary card for you business
Your business card should indicate your services and products with your contact details i.e phone numbers , email address etc , it helps to give your business an air of professionalism.
6. Develop a portfolio for your work
This should preferably be soft copy that can be shared online and hard copy that can be mailed to clients especially if what you do is visual. your clients need to see and be convinced on what you can do.
7. Network
Keep networking with fellow colleagues/friends, family and people in your neighborhood , ask for referrals from satisfied clients, other people in related industry photographers , event planner etc
8. Maximize the use of social media
Tools as twitter,Facebook, Instagram, website, pin interest,blogs even BBM should be well maximized, also learn how to use relevant keywords, hastags, create groups, channels etc.
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