4 Important Tips You Need To Be The Best Parent

Being a parent can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences of your life, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. No matter what age your child is, your work is never done. To be a good parent, you have to have a few tips to help you out on those days when you feel at your wit’s end.
Here are a few of those tips
1. Intuition
A good dose of intuition is necessary for every parent to be successful as this propels you towards following little leads that brings you to the bigger picture. You’ve got to listen to that little voice inside you when faced with a situation that defies logic or reasoning, especially when your children are too little to speak or communicate how they feel or exactly what they want.Pay attention to your inner feeling when it concerns your child, you might just be saving your child’s future.
2. Listening and Communicating
Somehow, children know that listening is not the same as hearing. You might be hearing but not paying attention. Listening is understanding and acting on what is being said. It also involves paying attention to your child’s body language and what she is trying hard not to say.Not only are children distressed when they feel or realize that their parents are not listening or paying attention to them, they also feel less important.
This could have grave consequences as it can push them to search for a listening hear in the wrong places. Everyone has a voice that wants to be heard, so does your child. Sometimes that’s all you have to do, listen! Listening facilitates effective communication which is one important recipe for every successful relationship.
3. Discipline
A disciplined parent is firm and will most likely raise a disciplined child. Discipline isn’t only about punishing your child. It is laying down rules, nurturing, teaching, training and directing your children to follow laid down rules.4. Ability To Express Love and Affection
Action, they say, speaks louder than words, so the ability to show your children that you love them, in spite of what they do or who they are is crucial. That love you have for your child has to be positively expressed.Loving your children involves spending time with them, showing a great deal of interest in the things that matter to them and paying attention to their needs. Love is not only about providing for them, it is also about doing things together with them, putting their emotional needs first before yours.
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This will not only create sweet memories but opportunities for bonding together as a family. Love for your children should be accompanied by affection. A great parent should be affectionate, so kiss and hug your children generously.
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