You are a disgrace to your families – Counselor Lutterodt fires Pepper Dem Ministries

Controversial Counselor, George Cyril Lutterodt has rained down heavy on members of feminist group, Pepper Dem Ministries, describing them as, “shameful” and “disgraceful “materials to their families.
“I don’t know where you stand and you want to find yourself in a home where your husband is cooking for you to eat. You don’t feel ashamed. Shameful people like that. You are a shameful and a disgraceful material to the family you belong to, because a woman’s position is the kitchen, “he said.
Mr. Lutterodt was speaking on the back of the ‘cooking’ controversy that filled the media space after Legal Practitioner Ace Ankomah got into a social media banter with one Dela Goldheart after he expressed his opinion about a woman’s role in a home.
“A woman, even when she works (and every woman should work, if she can) should provide only if she wants to. But she is in charge of everything else that has to do with the home. Yes, it is her kitchen, not mine. That’s why she chose everything in there. My only space in the house is my basement. Everywhere else is hers. I don’t care. Just don’t paint our room pink. That’s all,” portions of his post read.
“Don’t MAKE her do it. PROVIDE the means to do it so that even if she doesn’t do it herself or isn’t there to do it, it still gets done. For example, I expect dinner when I get home; and meals when I’m home. You don’t have to cook it. You don’t have to serve it. Just make sure the system I have provided for produces and delivers the food,” He added.
Facebook user and member of the Pepper Dem Ministries, Dela Goldheart felt offended by this statement and responded in a rather defensive manner.
She wrote, “I never thought I will say this about you but I guess career excellence and knowledge in law doesn’t make you exceptional when it comes to issues affecting women. You grew up in a patriarchal society. The system is designed to favour you. You had no education on gender equality when growing up. But you know what? That can be changed. You have everything your wife has. I know you are smart enough to see that your wife does not use her vagina to cook or order food. And when it comes to strength, you even have more (likely). So if anyone should work and cook, it should be you. And one more thing, the meaning of daddy and mommy has never been static. Those who improve the world understand that change is one of the factors of progress. Think about it.”
Counselor Lutterodt said, “It is easy for people who don’t understand anything about marriage to speak about marriage. So Pepper Dem Ministries, what I see is that they don’t understand marriage.”
He opinionated that, the whole ministry was a “demonic attack” on marriages in the country and added that they may be coming from homes where marriage was not successful.
“It is a shame a disgrace and it’s a demonic attack on marriage. That the homes they are coming from, I believe if they have tested what marriage was these statements will not come from them,
He explained that, the whole debate about whether or not cooking for your husband is right, was unnecessary, saying all those who ascribe to the notion that doing house chores as a woman is slavery, are “insulting the intelligence of God.”
“When you come and speak that cooking for your husband and doing house chores is slavery, you are insulting the intelligence of God. And who are you to come and condemn what the Lord has put together,” he noted.
The counsellor apologized to Ghanaians on the feminist group’s behalf and said they are clueless and needed forgiveness for most of their utterances and deeds.
“I want to apologize on their behalf because it is said that foolishness is bound in the heart of a child. When people go wrong a times we have to come and apologize on their behalf because, apology is part of humility. Let me apologize on behalf of the Pepper Dem ministry girls who don’t know what they are about,” he pleaded.
The global phenomenon which is the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of equal opportunity of the sexes in all sects, has strong representation in various parts of the world including Ghana. One of such representations is the Pepper Dem Ministries.
Pepper Dem Ministries have been all over the media for being a strong voice in championing issues about feminism.
Their approach however, some find offensive and a deviation from what the phenomenon is truly about.
Many believe their teachings are deceptive and should not be granted audience on any platform to spread their misguiding messages.
Ace broadcaster Tommy Annan Forson reportedly said, “When some women sit on radio and tell the whole world that when you cook for your husband it is slavery, they must be suffering from some kind of mental disorder. Keep buying fried rice and chicken or bofloat and coco for him wai. Ebufu sem. How the hell did they get onto that platform anyway? Managerial responsibility at that station needs to be looked at. A programme like that can destroy homes and marriages instead keeping homes together. This rubbish must stop. Children are being defiled, girls being raped, are those issues not more important to talk about?
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