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Top 10 facts you didn’t know about nature - Ewaoluwa Ogungbire

Top 10 facts you didn’t know about nature

Nature is amazing and beautiful. It creates wonders and life time events for human eyes. There are so many secrets it hides from us. From nature’s laws to the evaluation of species everything is a bizarre. I picked up top 10 most amazing facts that I didn’t know about nature, tell me if you too are unaware. Please leave a comment if you already knew some of them.
1. Crocodile
Crocodile can climb trees
Imagine you are chased by a crocodile (I hope not), and you see a tree. what will you do next? Please do not think to climb it up, this could be your last decision of life. Yes, crocodiles can climb up the tree.
2. Ants
Ants never sleep
Ants never sleep. Though many researchers claims it is only true in the perspective of human definition of sleeping. They have no eyelids, so they can’t shut their eyes. Still it is a matter of discussion but one thing is true, they do not sleep like us.
3. Cuttlefish
The blood is pumped by three separate hearts: two branchial hearts pump blood to the cuttlefish’s pair of gills (one heart for each), and the third pumps blood around the rest of the body. Cuttlefish have large, W-shaped pupils, eight arms, and two tentacles furnished with denticulated suckers, with which they secure their prey. Cuttlefish eat small molluscs, crabs, shrimp, fish, octopodes, worms, and other cuttlefish. The average life expectancy of a cuttlefish is about one to two years. Cuttlefish also have one of the largest brain-to-body size ratios of all invertebrates
4. Mosquitoes
only female mosquitoe bites
Only female mosquitoes bites. Both male and female feed mainly on fruit and plant nectar, but the female also needs the protein in blood to help her eggs develop. Once she’s had her fill of blood, she’ll rest for a couple of days before laying her eggs. The females “bite” with a long, pointed mouthpart called a proboscis. They use the serrated proboscis to pierce the skin and locate a capillary, then draw blood through one of two tubes.
5. Lemon
Lemon has more sugar than strawberries
Do you know that a Lemon has more sugar than a Strawberry. Lemons can’t be taken as strawberry due to citric acid it contains. Lemons are used to keep teeth healthy. They’re considered as killer of bacteria and toxins, and a good striker for people who suffer from dental diseases. Lemons are also used for slimming, and they’re a good way to reduce weight
6. Spider
no two Spider web are same
No two webs are ever the same. Even from the same spider. Spider webs have existed for at least 100 million years. Insects can get trapped in spider webs, providing nutrition to the spider; however, not all spiders build webs to catch prey and some do not build webs at all.
7. Meteorites
Over 500 meteorites hit the Earth each year. Large impacts are fairly rare, thousands of tiny pieces of space rock, called meteorites, hit the ground each year. The term meteor comes from the Greek meteoron, meaning phenomenon in the sky. A meteorite is a meteoroid that reaches the surface of the Earth without being completely vaporized.
8. Jellyfish
Jellyfish has no brain
Jellyfish do not have heart and brain. A jellyfish, contrary to what its name suggests, is not actually a fish. These animals are types of plankton, and distant relatives of corals and sea anemones. Most notably, their bodies are essentially made of water, having no bones. In fact, jellyfish are composed of about 95% water.
Jellyfish don’t have a brain or central nervous system, they do have a very basic set of nerves at the base of their tentacles. These nerves detect touch, temperature, salinity etc.
9. Rainbow
You can only see a rainbow if you have your back to the sun.
10. Volcano
Volcano under ocean
90% of all volcanic activity occurs in the ocean

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