Don’t Like Sleep? These 5 Reasons Will Tell You The Importance Of Sleep To The Body
Doctors will never tell you to get at least 7 hours of sleep if your body does not need it.
Sleep works for the overall performance of the body and it is very important that you do not deprive yourself of it.
Below are some reasons why you should sleep more
1. Revitalized skin
The time that you sleep is an important time for your skin. Many hormonal and metabolic processes occur while you’re asleep, including ones that directly affect your skin. Collagen production occurs during sleep, so if you’re not getting enough sleep, you may notice an increase in fine lines and wrinkles.Insomnia: Everything You Need To Know About It + Tips To Help You Sleep Better
Your body also pumps more blood to your skin while you’re sleeping, so well-rested people can enjoy a rosy, glowing complexion. But if you’re not getting adequate sleep, your skin could start to appear dull and drab.
2. Weight control
Did you know sleep actually has a huge impact on your ability to maintain or lose body weight? Researchers have shown that even when diet and exercise are the same, sleep deprived people experience as much as 50% less fat-loss than people who are well-rested. Your metabolism just can’t function properly if you’re not getting enough sleep!Being sleep deprived can also affect your judgment when it comes to food choices. A well-rested person will find it relatively easy to say no to unnecessary food or latenight snacks.
3. Puts you in a better mood
The amount and quality of the sleep you get can have a dramatic effect on your mood. A study found that participants who were limited to 4 or 5 hours of sleep each night reported feeling angry, sad, and mentally exhausted. When the participants went back to a full night’s sleep, they all reported very improved moods.When your body is getting the sleep that it needs, you have much better control of your emotions and impulses. You’ll be better able to handle bad news and inconveniences, and you’ll make better choices throughout the day.
4. Better memory
There are 3 parts to memory – acquisition (learning something new), consolidation (committing it to memory), and recall (accessing that information). Acquisition and recall both occur when you’re awake, but important parts of consolidation happen while you’re asleep.During the 8 or so hours while you’re asleep, your brain processes the new information you picked up throughout the day. Think of your sleeping brain like a filing cabinet, where new information is being examined, sorted, and filed away in the right places.
If you don’t get enough sleep, your brain can’t process information as effectively, and your ability to remember things will lessen.
5. Lowers stress
There’s a phenomenon called the “sleep-stress cycle” that helps illustrate how crucial it is to get enough sleep. The cycle begins when a person experiencing stress is having trouble falling or staying asleep.After experiencing poor sleep, this person is likely to experience even more stress. The stress leads to poor sleep , and the cycle perpetuates itself.
But with enough sleep, you find this stress reducing greatly and you begin to feel relaxed.
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