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Fast facts on pimples - Ewaoluwa Ogungbire

Here are some key points about pimples. More information is in the main article.
  • Most teenagers and a significant number of adults experience pimples.
  • Prompt treatment of pimples can help to overcome the emotional and psychological effects.
  •  Stress, anxiety, greasy hair, and a high-fat, high-sugar diet may increase the risk in some people.
  • Doctors recommend gently washing the face no more than twice daily.
  • Popping pimples increases the risk of infection.
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) pimple treatments often contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and sulfur.
  • Prescription medication for pimples includes topical treatment, antibiotics, isotretinoin, and laser and light therapy.

What makes pimples worse?

Acne can cause embarrassment and a loss of confidence but can be managed at home.
It is unknown exactly why acne flares up for some people at certain points in their lives, but hormonal activity appears to play a role by causing an increase in sebum production.
Pimples are more common during puberty and adolescence, and women often find they break out just before menstruation.
Other factors include stress and anxiety, which can increase the levels of adrenaline and cortisol.
A hot, humid climate with an increased risk of sweating can also make it worse.
Some studies suggest that carbohydrate-rich foods or chocolate may trigger acne, but the link has not been confirmed.
Cooking greasy food may worsen symptoms due to the grease blocking pores. Eating greasy food, however, has not shown the same signs of directly affecting acne.

Home management

A number of home treatments and strategies may help to reduce the incidence of pimples.

Avoid touching the face

As far as possible, refrain from any touching of your face with your hands.
Hold your telephone away from the skin on your face as it may have on its surface skin residue or sebum. Glasses also collect sebum and skin residue, so clean them regularly.
Before touching the face, wash your hands with soap.


People who shave should use safety razors with a sharp blade or an electric shaver.
Before shaving, soften the skin by having a warm shower or washing with warm, soapy water.
Keep your hands and nails as clean as you can by washing them regularly with soap. Keep your nails short.

Do not pop pimples

Bursting a pimple may push the infection further into the skin, causing more serious blockage and more severe swelling and redness.
The popping of pimples also increases the risk of scarring.

Urgent removal

Before an important event, such as a public-speaking engagement or wedding, it may be deemed socially preferable to get rid of a pimple.
Seek specialist treatment if removal of a pimple is urgent.

Loose clothing

If the pimples are on the back, shoulders, or other places normally covered by clothing, wear loose, cotton clothing where possible.
Headbands, caps, and scarves should be avoided or washed regularly.


It is important to remove all makeup before going to sleep and to choose the right types.
Some products have a lower risk of triggering an outbreak. Look for the words noncomedogenic or nonacnegenic on the label.

Washing your face

Acne face wash
Gently wash the face no more than twice a day to alleviate any escalating symptoms of acne.
Washing the face no more than twice each day can help.
Face-washing tips include:
  • using a mild soap and lukewarm water
  • wash gently and do not scrub the skin
  • gently apply an OTC lotion containing benzoyl peroxide with the fingertips


Sebum and skin residue collect in hair, so keep the hair clean and away from the face. Some hair products, such as those with cocoa or coconut butter, may worsen acne.

Sun exposure

Use of tanning beds or overexposure to sunlight may result in the production of more sebum, as well as increasing the risk of skin cancer.
Some medications for acne may also make the skin more prone to sunburn, so caution is advised.
Quote. ..no matter how you look, your face is, you are still beautiful and attractive.. 

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