The Cold Shoulder Style Is Not Going Out Of Fashion Any Time Soon And These Photos Are Proof

No fashion trend or item ever completely goes out of vogue. No matter how long it takes, it will rise again and become a trend just when everyone has stopped talking about it.
From flared jeans to boot cut jeans, to pencil jeans, pencil skirts, cropped tops, wide waist belts and many more, fashion and trends are timeless and always come back to vogue.
This style has the shoulder part cut off which leaves your shoulder and upper arms bare and gently exposed, thus why it was given the name “cold shoulder”.
The cold shoulder trend is a trend from the past and is the new rage in town and we totally love it. Surprisingly, it has been incorporated into ankara and asoebi styles and we are not in the least bit surprised.
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This style is fun, combined with a little bit of sexy and conservative and it can be worn to almost every occasion. Top of all is that it cuts across all ages and sizes.
The cold shoulder style can be worn as tops, shirts or dresses.
We have some cute photos that would convince you to own a piece.
1. Yomi Summerhues in this cute cold shoulder colourful piece

2. This super stylish ankara top this lady rocked

3. You could rock it in gown form too

4. This beautiful cold shoulder top rocked with pants

5. You could have it as a shirt dress.

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